
The Kangaroo Carry

Wonderful for the curious baby who likes to look around. Good for babies who can hold their head up well. At first try sitting down when you put your baby in the sling this way. It will make it a little easier.

  • Start with the rings slightly higher than your collar bone.
  • Pull the inside fabric (the side closest to you) up above your stomach to make a pouch.

  • Sit your baby on your lap facing away from you.
  • Bring her up so that her bottom is about even with your lower chest. Cross your baby’s feet so that she is sitting “Indian style”, and hold her with your hand opposite of the rings.

  • With your other hand open up the pouch and slide your baby down into the pouch. Sometimes it helps to hold up the edge and bounce slightly to settle her into the sling.

  • Please make sure she is sitting in the pouch and that the inside fabric is up to your lower chest.
  • Tighten both rails until baby feels secure and comfortable.

  • You can let the tail hang or tuck the tail where you like.

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